
The International Federation of Journalists is the world's largest organisation of journalists. The IFJ promotes international action to defend press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists. La F�d�ration Internationale des Journalistes est la plus grande organisation mondiale de journalistes. La FIJ encourage les actions internationales pour d�fendre la libert� de la presse et la justice sociale, via des syndicats de journalistes forts, libres et ind�pendants. La Federaci�n Internacional de Periodistas es la organizaci�n de periodistas m�s grande del mundo. La FIP promueve una acci�n internacional a fin de defender la libertad de prensa y la justicia social por sindicatos de periodistas independientes, libros y s�lidos.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is a group of independent journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among journalists in investigative and computer-assisted reporting.
The Society of Environmental Journalists is the only U.S.- based membership organization of working journalists dedicated to improvements in environmental reporting. (em ingl�s)
Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting. IRE was formed in 1975 to create a forum in which journalists throughout the world could help each other by sharing story ideas, newsgathering techniques and news sources. (em ingl�s)
IPI Global Journalist, the magazine of the International Press Institute defends, celebrates, reflects and explores the international media and freedom of expression in an honest and thought-provoking manner that both informs and inspires the global journalism community. (em ingl�s)


Arquivo de colunas escritas por Jakob Nielsen, entre 2000 e 2001, sobre usabilidade . (em espanhol)


New York University's Center for War, Peace, and the News Media is a non-profit, non-partisan organization supporting journalists and news organizations worldwide in their efforts to sustain an informed and engaged citizenry. Our work includes projects on media and conflict, a global reporting network�featuring the weekly resources: Global Beat and Global Beat Syndicate�and the Mid-East/American Media Project.


The purpose of the International Media and Democracy Project is to serve as an online research database featuring articles and research materials on the role of the media in creating engaged citizens and in making democracy function as it should.
A Public Journalism Network Weblog


The Readership Initiative was launched in October 1999 because of a strong but unproven belief among newspaper leaders that the decline in readership � a slow but steady trend over the past 30 years � could be reversed. That belief has now been substantiated through the Initiative�s Impact study of newspaper readership, led by the Readership Institute at Northwestern University.


O CMI Brasil � uma rede de produtores independentes de m�dia que busca oferecer ao p�blico informa��o alternativa e cr�tica de qualidade que contribua para a constru��o de uma sociedade livre, igualit�ria e que respeite o meio ambiente. O CMI Brasil quer dar voz aos que n�o t�m voz constituindo uma alternativa consistente � m�dia empresarial que frequentemente distorce fatos e apresenta interpreta��es de acordo com os interesses dos ricos e dos poderosos. The IMC Brazil is a network of independent media producers who tries to offer to the public alternative information and good quality critiques that contributes with the construction of a free and equality society wich respects the enviroment. The IMC Brazil wants to give voice to those who doesn't have one becoming a consistent alternative to the corporate media that frequent distort facts and present interpretations according to the interests of the rich and powerfull ones. Site em portugu�s, ingl�s, espanhol e esperanto


CyberJournalist.net focuses on how the Internet, media convergence and new technologies are changing journalism. The site offers tips, news and commentary about online journalism, digital storytelling, converged news operations and using the Internet as a reporting tool.